Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Found a Limited Liability Company in Switzerland

I left the company I founded 20 years ago and needed a new home to work and have access to social insurances. Therefore I had to found a limited liability company with a capital of CHF 20'000.

Here the steps for the impatient.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

What is an Agile Company?

Lately people often ask me what is an agile company. They have an understanding of agile software development techniques such as ScrumLeanKanbaneXtreme Programming but no clue how a company could be agile. 

One way to approach this theme is to implement concepts of the above mentioned agile approaches. These are the pillars for iterative incremental improvements.

  • Transparency you trust all collaborators to provide their best when working on the product. Therefore they need full access to all relevant information: quality, progress, budget, people and financial data. They use the data to select the best alternatives to reach the company’s goals
  • Inspection you cherish a failure culture because inspections will find weak points. You need a culture where people are never blamed. One consequence is that you eliminate management by objectives, and bonuses in your company
  • Adaptation you are ready to learn better approaches and truly believe there is a better solution. Therefore processes change regularly bottom-up, company’s budget can only be a rolling indicative budget, and planning has to be continuously updated