Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Agile Introduction Success Criteria through the LeSS lens

An agile organization is able to deliver or change direction at any time without additional cost. 

More companies want to become truly agile and book an expensive journey to the holy land of agility. Often the travelers never reach their true destination.

The LeSS people have a clear set of conditions to increase the odds. 

All my experiences confirm these conditions are essential for success.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Pragmatic Craftsmanship - Professional Software Developer

The last months I was often confronted with  software products having insufficient quality.

Insufficient means late delivery, and few new features. The effort to correct errors in the field eats 30% to 50% away from the whole development budget. How can such a dreadful situation occur?

One root cause is the low quality of the source code and ignorance of basic coding design approaches. We are not talking about complex design activities or complex patterns; we are discussing basic approaches how to write correct and maintainable code.