Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How to reach the Software Quality Graal?

Lately I was asked how many bugs and smells detected through SonarQube were acceptable for a software product. And a Scrum master inquired which organizational changes are necessary to empower software developers to write good code. Speechless and dumbfounded I was unable to answer these questions.

After quite some time I realized these persons believe tools can measure the quality of software. But tools can only measure non-quality.

They tell you when you are doing it wrong, only your heart can tell you when you are doing it right.

But first that does it means to have a quality software product?

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What Does a Great Product Owner?

Often organizations state that the product owner role is very difficult to fulfill. I heartily agree being a great product owner is challenging.

And I also clearly state that his activities are often not the ones of a super hero but regular techniques a motivated and interested product owner can easily learn.

Below I took the list of activities of a great product owner article from the scrum.org site and discuss which ones are regular activities of any well-trained product owner.

Friday, June 1, 2018

What does a Product Owner?

The product owner is one of the three roles defined in the Scrum framework.

The product owner is the agile term for an excellent product manager. He defines the vision, roadmap, release plan and the features of the product to build. He is in charge of the budget and of a tentative schedule. Regularly he refines the backlog with his development team(s).

Often I encounter a business analyst or a project manager in this role. What shall they learn to become an effective and efficient product owner?